Work with the Sensor Object
As of March 2023, Banner CDS began supporting a new data object called a “sensor.” This sensor object is currently available only on DXM gateways that are set up as a Banner Cloud ID Kit. It will be available for other gateway types in the future. This object makes it easier to keep track of your data by automatically grouping related registers and syncing alarm names and dashboard item names to the sensor name.
Using the sensor object reduces the amount of time required to customize the names of your alarms and dashboard items.
The Sensor Object in Device Management
A default sensor on a Cloud ID Kit will be named “Sensor 01,” (or whichever number the node has been bound to) on the DXM gateway. It will also show the node model number, as well as the name of the signals beneath the sensor.
By clicking the plus sign ('+') in the upper right corner of the sensor, you can expand the view to see the device model number and connectivity status. For the connectivity status, 128 is good. Anything other than 128 indicates the sensor does not have connectivity with the gateway. An alarm will automatically be triggered if the status register does not equal 128.
To rename the sensor, click the Edit icon in the upper left corner of the sensor.
You can then choose any name for the sensor. It can be named based on the equipment the sensor is monitoring, where it’s located, or whichever name schema makes sense for your application. If you want the alarm names to align with the new sensor name, check the box: 'Reset Alarm Names'. Otherwise, the alarms will retain their default name.
Click Save, and the sensor name will be updated, along with the alarm names. You can now search for the new name in Alarms, Data Graphs, or the Device Data view of the gateway.
The Sensor Object on Dashboards
The sensor object also syncs to a new dashboard item type, called the “Sensor type.” This type of dashboard item will be automatically created for all new Cloud-ID kits. The “Sensor” dashboard item” looks similar to the “Alarms type” dashboard item, but it receives its name with the sensor object and does not allow you to add or remove alarms from the icon.
If you have a previously created Cloud ID Kit dashboard and would like to convert its alarm icons into sensor icons, you can do so by rebuilding the dashboard.
Rebuilding the Dashboard
- Navigate to Device Management
- Click on the Details for your Cloud ID Gateway
- Select Rebuild Dashboard in the upper right corner of the screen
- Confirm your selection by clicking OK
Note: This will reset your dashboard to the default configuration, but with the new sensor object instead of alarm items. If you have made additional edits to your dashboard size, background, or added other dashboard items, you may want to add the sensor dashboard items individually.
Individually Add a Sensor Dashboard Item
- Navigate to Dashboards
- Select the Dashboard you’d like to edit
- Click Unlock Dashboard
- Click + Add New Dashboard Item
- Select the Sensor Tab on the right
- Select the Gateway and sensor from the drop-down menu
- You can override the Sensor Object name if you would like, otherwise the Dashboard Item will inherit the name of the Sensor Object you’ve selected.
- You can also adjust the Icon if you would like. Again, the Dashboard Item will automatically inherit the correct icon from the Sensor type.
- Review your selections and click Save.