Monitoring Temperature During Composting
One of the primary methods of composting involves using windrows. To ensure efficient and effective composting, the temperatures of the windrows must be measured and logged constantly. With accurate temperature measurements, you can determine the optimum time to turn the windrows for quicker compost production.
Manually collecting data is time consuming, introduces errors, and cannot be done continually and may expose the person collecting the data to harmful pathogens. Automatically collecting the data and wirelessly transmitting the data back to a centralized location allows composting temperatures to be continually recorded and logged, improving efficiency and reducing the time needed to complete a composting cycle
Manual data collection is eliminated using a SureCross FlexPower™ Node equipped with two thermocouples to automatically monitor the temperature at two depths within a compost windrow or stack.
Temperature sensor readings are wirelessly transmitted back to the Gateway or host system for data collection, analysis, and logging. Because the temperatures are measured and recorded continuously, the composting rows can be turned as soon as the temperature reaches the ideal point.
Continuously monitoring the temperature will also provide an early warning to potential fire hazards by notifying personnel when temperatures exceed recommended ranges, thereby preserving the product.
An optimized SureCross FlexPower Thermocouple Node is factory calibrated to accommodate 15 types of thermocouple; the customer selects the type using DIP switches. Each Thermocouple FlexPower Node offers three thermocouple inputs and supports a battery life of about three years.