Industrial Barcode Verification on a Metal Part

Industrial Bar Code Verification on a Metal Part Image

Application: To check a 2D barcode stamped on metal gear

Challenges: Small barcode on metal material

Solution: Banner Engineering's PresencePLUS P4 BCR 

Benefits: PresencePLUS P4 can be paired with lighting to enhance contrast

Metal pieces can present a challenge in barcode reading application, especially when the codes are small. A solution is needed to check a 2D barcode that has been stamped onto metal pieces.


A PresencePLUS P4 BCR industrial barcode reader detects and verifies the subtle 2D barcode that was stamped into a metal gear so it can be tracked through production and in the field. It can also be paired with Banner's vision lighting products to enhance the contrast between the metal and the bar code stamp.

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