Tracking of Received Goods

Tracking of Received Goods Image

Application: Track and sort items in a distribution facility

Challenges: Fast-paced environment

Solution: TCNM Laser Scanner

Benefits: Ready to scan out of box and has scan rates of 500 to 1000 per second

Distribution centers can easily become one of the most hectic places within a business. Finding an appropriate solution can help create a smooth process. A barcode system can be used to quickly and easily identify barcodes on packages, helping with sorting and the flow of items in distribution centers.


Banner Engineering’s TCNM linear barcode scanner quickly and easily detects up to 10 linear barcodes on packages, helping maintain accountability and an efficient flow of packages throughout a distribution center.

The TCNM linear barcode scanner is ready to scan right out of the box with SMART TEACH, providing scan rates of 500 to 1,000 scans per second. The linear barcode scanner can read barcodes in ranges from 40 to 600 mm.

Free software is available with the linear barcode scanner, with the ability to set up more complex barcode reading applications. With the Genius Plus Software, industry barcodes can be easily read with an advanced algorithm.

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TCNM Series Laser Barcode Scanner

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