Sizing, Profiling and Guiding Clear Objects

Sizing, Profiling and Guiding Clear Objects Image


To accurately perform sensing tasks including edge guiding, loop tension control, hole sizing, parts counting and on-the-fly product sizing and profiling.


Banner Engineering has created a special class of EZ-ARRAYs specifically designed to detect clear objects in clean industrial environments. By customizing standard EZ-ARRAY receivers to successfully detect low contrast and operate at a lower sensing range (30 to 1500 mm), Banner has enabled EZ-ARRAY Clear Object Measuring Light Curtains to detect translucent objects such as glass and clear webbing.

Featured Products

EZ-Array Series Measuring Light Curtain
EZ-Array Series Measuring Light Curtain

EZ-ARRAY light screens excel at high-speed, precise process monitoring and inspection, profiling, and web-guiding applications with simple installation.

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