Water, Waste Water, and Wireless Tank Monitoring

Water, Waste Water, and Wireless Tank Monitoring Image

Application: Consistent monitoring of waste water tanks

Challenges: Location cannot be wired for power or data transfers

Solution: Banner Engineering SureCross Wireless Network

Benefits: Can monitor multiple data points wirelessly

Waste water treatment plants and tank farms need to continually monitor various parameters, including temperature, pressure, flow, pH, conductivity, or water levels.


In most waste water or tank farm installations, the locations are not wired for power or data transfers.

SureCross wireless Nodes and pressure or ultrasonic sensors can precisely monitor critical holding tank levels, sending data to a SureCross Gateway in a remote control center. Monitoring multiple data points including fill level, pH, conductivity, temperature, or flow is simplified using a single FlexPower Node with four analog inputs.

For applications requiring only temperature measurements, either a FlexPower Thermocouple Node or FlexPower RTD Node would be an ideal solution to gather and transmit data back to the control system.

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