The Banner Sensor GUI (Graphical User Interface) allows users to acquire real-time data and configure settings of compatible sensors. The intuitive, menu-style software makes it easy to configure and update sensor settings.

Q4X Series Rugged Laser Distance Sensor
Rugged Q4X laser distance sensor solves many challenging applications and comes in a rugged IP69K rating with FDA food grade stainless steel housing.

LTF Series Long-Range Time-of-Flight Laser Sensor
High-performance LTF Series Sensors detect targets regardless of color, material or sheen from up to 24 meters away, straight-on or at an angle.

QS18 Series All Purpose Photoelectric Sensor
All purpose photoelectric sensor with universal housing design and 18 mm threaded barrel is an ideal replacement for hundreds of other sensor styles.

EZ-Array Series Measuring Light Curtain
EZ-ARRAY light screens excel at high-speed, precise process monitoring and inspection, profiling, and web-guiding applications with simple installation.
Need More Information?
Our Experts are available to help you find the right sensor solution!