Simplify Monitoring and Troubleshooting of Baggage Handling Safety Systems
As baggage handling systems increase in length and complexity, the number of zones with different sets of e-stops and switches increases. Some airports have hundreds of these different zones, each with multiple wires running to a control box from each e-stop, button, and other device. When errors occur the multitude of different wires can make it difficult to find the source of the problem, greatly increasing troubleshooting time and cost.
In-Series Diagnostics (ISD) enable diagnostic data access from devices in a baggage handling safety system without special equipment or designated cabling, and achieve the highest safety levels (Category 4, PL e, or SIL CL 3). A single cable run can connect daisy-chained ISD-enabled e-stops and connect a safety controller, up to 32 devices in each ISD chain and up to eight ISD chains per controller. Data can be monitored in real time, alerting operators to which e-stop was pressed or location and type of other critical issue. This minimizes troubleshooting time so operators can either prevent a potential problem or get equipment up and running as soon as possible.
Start buttons, jam reset buttons, touch lights, and indicator lights connected to a DXMR90-X1 industrial controller can also be easily integrated into the system using EtherNet/IP, Modbus, or PROFINET. These devices can be programmed for different needs, such as indicator lights changing colors to identify and designate different airlines or airports. Simplified wiring and a plug-and-play design allows easy customization of baggage handling systems without needing different electricians and also saves future troubleshooting time.
Featured Product
Controlador Industrial: Serie DXMR90
El controlador industrial DXMR90 es el concentrador y procesador central de la serie Snap Signal de Banner, que facilita la red del Internet Industrial de las Cosas (IIoT) en todo el sistema al traducir y combinar señales de varios dispositivos, incluidos sensores de máquina dedicados, en un solo flujo de datos holísticos para monitoreo en tiempo real.