• Atrás

  • Selección de Controladores de Seguridad

    Los controladores de seguridad simplifican los sistemas de seguridad complejos. Estos dispositivos versátiles monitorean múltiples dispositivos de entrada de seguridad y de no seguridad, proporcionando funciones seguras de parada y arranque para máquinas con movimiento peligroso. Un solo controlador de seguridad puede reemplazar múltiples módulos de relés de seguridad en máquinas que usan botones de paro de emergencia, cortinas de seguridad y otros dispositivos de entrada de seguridad.

    SC10 Series Safety Controller / Relay Hybrid

    Hybrid Controller/Relay

    Controlador de Seguridad/Relé Híbrido Serie SC10

    Takes the place of two safety relays and is easily configured to your device and logic needs.

    Características Clave

    PC configurable

    Safe Devices: up to 70 with ISD

    Safety Inputs: up to 14 w/ATO

    Safety Outputs: 2, 6A each

    Convertible Safety Inputs: up to 40


    Terminal LEDs

    Industrial Ethernet

    EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC


    A Partir de: $ USD

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    SC26 Series Safety Controllers


    SC26 Series Safety Controllers

    Flexible safety controller for machines that typically use 3 safety relays.

    Características Clave

    PC configurable


    Safety Inputs: 26

    Safety Outputs: 2, 0.5A each

    Convertible Safety Inputs: 8

    Live View and Configure via Ethernet Connection

    LCD Display (option)

    Industrial Ethernet (option)

    EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC

    In-Series Diagnostics

    A Partir de: $ USD

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    Controladores de Seguridad Expandibles Serie XS26


    Controladores de Seguridad Expandibles Serie XS26

    Expandable for complex safety applications where 3 or more safety relays are typically used.

    Características Clave

    PC configurable

    Safe Devices: up to 394 with ISD

    Safety Inputs: up to 154

    Safety Outputs: up to 68, 0.5A to 6A each

    Convertible Safety Inputs: up to 40

    Live View and Configure via Ethernet Connection

    LCD Display (option)

    Industrial Ethernet (option)

    EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC, EtherCAT

    In-Series Diagnostics

    A Partir de: $ USD

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    Hybrid Controller/Relay



    Takes the place of two safety relays and is easily configured to your device and logic needs.

    Flexible safety controller for machines that typically use 3 safety relays.

    Expandable for complex safety applications where 3 or more safety relays are typically used.

    Características Clave

    PC configurable

    Safe Devices: up to 70 with ISD

    Safety Inputs: up to 14 w/ATO

    Safety Outputs: 2, 6A each

    Convertible Safety Inputs: up to 40


    Terminal LEDs

    Industrial Ethernet

    EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC


    Características Clave

    PC configurable


    Safety Inputs: 26

    Safety Outputs: 2, 0.5A each

    Convertible Safety Inputs: 8

    Live View and Configure via Ethernet Connection

    LCD Display (option)

    Industrial Ethernet (option)

    EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC

    In-Series Diagnostics

    Características Clave

    PC configurable

    Safe Devices: up to 394 with ISD

    Safety Inputs: up to 154

    Safety Outputs: up to 68, 0.5A to 6A each

    Convertible Safety Inputs: up to 40

    Live View and Configure via Ethernet Connection

    LCD Display (option)

    Industrial Ethernet (option)

    EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC, EtherCAT

    In-Series Diagnostics

    A Partir de: $ USD 

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    A Partir de: $ USD 

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    A Partir de: $ USD 

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    Warehouse Manager

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