• Atrás

  • Luces de Área

    area lights family LED

    Una luz de área proporciona una iluminación uniforme en un área concentrada. Las luces de área bien colocadas pueden crear sombras y brillos, permitiéndole al sensor de visión detectar la presencia o ausencia de una característica.

    • Crea sombras para detectar cambios en profundidad
    • Ilumina ángulos superficiales específicos
    • Evita los reflejos de superficies reflectantes cuando se direcciona en un ángulo alejado de la lente
    • Distancias de luces superiores a 12 pulgadas
    • Disponible en tamaños de 62 x 62 mm, 70 x 70 mm o 80 x 80 mm con alimentación de 24V dc
    • Ofrece la opción de modelos con luz infrarroja o luz visible color rojo, blanco, azul o verde, UV 365 (nm), UV 395 (nm)
    • Modelos con operación continua o estroboscópica.
    • Ofrece una vida útil de 10,000 a 60,000 horas, dependiendo del modelo
    • Sellado y alta intensidad modelos disponibles


    Documentación técnica

    LED..A70S Series Light Replacement Window Kits
    15 Dec 2020
    Ficha de datos
    Area/Back Light Polarizing Kit (LEDAPFK)
    27 Jul 2020
    Ficha de datos
    LED..A80X80M Series Area Lights
    14 Nov 2019
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Red, Blue, Green or Infrared, 80 X 80 mm, QPMA Connectors
    14 Nov 2019
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Red, Blue, Green or Infrared, 62 X 62 mm
    14 Nov 2019
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Red, Blue, Green or Infrared, 62 X 62 mm (P4 Only)
    14 Nov 2019
    Ficha de datos
    LED Series High-Intensity Area Light
    14 Nov 2019
    Ficha de datos
    LED Series Sealed High-Intensity Area Light
    15 Nov 2019
    Ficha de datos
    Area Light, Infrared, LEDIA80X80, 80 mm (Pixel-Counter Only)
    14 Nov 2019
    Ficha de datos
    LED..A80X80W Series Area Lights
    14 Nov 2019
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Red, Blue or Infrared, 100 X 100 mm - Japanese
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Red, Blue or Infrared, 50 X 50 mm - Japanese
    Ficha de datos
    Area Light, Infrared, LEDIA80X80W (PresencePLUS Pro Only)  - Japanese
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Blue, Red or Infrared, 75 x 75 mm - Japanese
    Ficha de datos
    Area Light, Infrared, LEDIA80X80 (PresencePLUS Only) - Japanese
    Ficha de datos
    Area Light, Red, LEDRA80X80 (PresencePLUS Only) - Japanese
    Ficha de datos
    Area Light, Red, LEDRA80X80W (PresencPLUS Pro Only)  - Japanese
    Ficha de datos
    LED Series Sealed High-Intensity Area Light (Spanish)
    Ficha de datos
    LED Series High-Intensity Area Light (Spanish)
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Red, Blue, Green or Infrared, 62 X 62 mm (Spanish)
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Red, Blue, Green or Infrared, 62 X 62 mm (P4 Only) (Spanish)
    Ficha de datos
    Area Lights, White, Red, Blue, Green or Infrared, 80 X 80 mm, QPMA Connectors (Spanish)
    Ficha de datos
    LED..A80X80M Series Area Lights (Spanish)
    Ficha de datos
    LED..A80X80W Series Area Lights (Spanish)
    Ficha de datos
    Area Light, Infrared, LEDIA80X80, 80 mm (Pixel-Counter Only) (Spanish)
    Ficha de datos

    Inspección de Tapado y Llenado
    Inspección de Tapado y Llenado

    A medida que las botellas de vidrio pasan sobre una cinta transportadora de alta velocidad, un PresencePLUS P4 COLOR OMNI confirma que cada botella se llena totalmente y se cerciora de que el tapón esté completamente insertado y es de color correcto. Las luces de área dual crean el contraste óptimo para la inspección.

    Leer Más
    Inspección de Cajas de Fusibles Automotrices
    Inspección de Cajas de Fusibles Automotrices

    Un sensor de visión PresencePLUS COLOR Pro inspecciona los fusibles con código de color en una caja de fusibles para verificar que cada fusible está en la ubicación correcta.

    Leer Más
    Inspección de Color de un Embudo Dispensador
    Inspección de Color de un Embudo Dispensador

    Un sensor de visión PresencePLUS P4 COLOR OMNI inspecciona el embudo dispensador que se han insertado en botellas de detergente. El sensor verifica que el embudo se ecnuentre presente e insertado totalmente además de que su color coincida con el color de la botella. Un soporte especial coloca una luz de área en un ángulo que maximiza la visibilidad de contraste y color.

    Leer Más
    Detección de Escasa Inyección de Plástico
    Detección de Escasa Inyección de Plástico

    Una PresencePLUS P4 OMNI 1.3 de alta resolución montada sobre una línea de producción inspecciona componentes para volantes después de que son moldeados. La P4 OMNI busca áreas con demasiado o poco material.

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    Selección de Producto

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    • (3)
    • (8)
    • (9)
    • (5)
    • (12)

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    • (28)
    • (13)
    • (2)

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    • (20)
    • (20)
    • (2)
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    filtros seleccionados
    1. LEDIA70XD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area
      5 High Intensity IR LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    2. LEDRA70XD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area
      5 High Intensity Red LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    3. LEDBA70XD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area
      5 High Intensity Blue LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    4. LEDWA70XD5-PQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      5 High Intensity White LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    5. LEDWA70XD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area
      5 High Intensity White LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    6. LEDBA62X62W

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 62 x 62 mm Area Light
      Visible Blue LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) Cable with flying leads

    7. LEDRA62X62M

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 62 x 62 mm Area Light
      Visible Red LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) cable with 3-pin male Connector
      Connects to P4

    8. LEDRA62X62W

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 62 x 62 mm Area Light
      Visible Red LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) Cable with flying leads

    9. LEDUV395A70XD5-PQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light: 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      5 High Intensity 395 nm UV LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    10. LEDWA80X80M

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 80 x 80 mm Area Light
      Visible White LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) cable with 3-pin male Connector
      Connects to P4

    11. LEDBA70AD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity Blue LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    12. LEDBA70AP5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity Blue LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    13. LEDBA70XD5-PQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      5 High Intensity Blue LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    14. LEDBA80X80M

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 80 x 80 mm Area Light
      Visible Blue LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) cable with 3-pin male Connector
      Connects to P4

    15. LEDGA62X62W

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 62 x 62 mm Area Light
      Visible Green LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) Cable with flying leads

    16. LEDGA70XD5-PM

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      5 High Intensity Green LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Connects directly to P4 sensor

    17. LEDGA70XD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area
      5 High Intensity Green LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    18. LEDIA62X62W

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 62 x 62 mm Area Light
      Infrared LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) Cable with flying leads

    19. LEDIA70AP5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity IR LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    20. LEDIA70SSD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area - IP68 Stainless Steel
      5 High Intensity IR LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20SS-xxx

    21. LEDIA70XD5-XM

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area
      5 High Intensity IR LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Connects directly to P4 sensor

    22. LEDIA80X80M

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 80 x 80 mm Area Light
      Infrared LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) cable with 3-pin male Connector
      Connects to P4

    23. LEDIA80X80QPMA

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 80 x 80 mm Area Light
      Infrared LED 24 V dc
      4-pin M12 male Connector Pin 2 OPEN

    24. LEDIA80X80W

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 80 x 80 mm Area Light
      Infrared LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) cable with flying leads

    25. LEDRA70AD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity Red LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    26. LEDRA70AP5-PQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      IP68 - 5 High Intensity Red LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    27. LEDRA70AP5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity Red LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    28. LEDRA70XD5-PQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      5 High Intensity Red LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    29. LEDRA70XD5-XM

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area
      5 High Intensity Red LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Connects directly to P4 sensor

    30. LEDRA80X80W

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 80 x 80 mm Area Light
      Visible Red LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) Cable with flying leads

    31. LEDUV365A70AG5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light: 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity 365 nm UV LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Glass Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    32. LEDUV395A70AG5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light: 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity 395 nm UV LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Glass Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    33. LEDUV395A70AP5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light: 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity 395 nm UV LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    34. LEDUV395A70XD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light: 70 mm Area
      5 High Intensity 395 nm UV LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    35. LEDWA62X62M

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 62 x 62 mm Area Light
      Visible White LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) cable with 3-pin male Connector
      Connects to P4

    36. LEDWA62X62W

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 62 X 62 mm Area Light
      Visible White LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) cable with flying leads

    37. LEDWA70AD5-PQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      IP68 - 5 High Intensity White LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    38. LEDWA70AD5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity White LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    39. LEDWA70AP5-PQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      IP68 - 5 High Intensity White LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    40. LEDWA70AP5-XQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area - IP68
      5 High Intensity White LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20-xxx

    41. LEDWA70SSD5-PQ

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      IP68 Stainless Steel-5 High Intensity White LEDs-24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Requires Cable MQDC20SS-xxx

    42. LEDWA70XD5-PM

      logo with r symbol

      Vision Light - 70 mm Area with Potentiometer
      5 High Intensity White LEDs - 24 V dc
      Clear Diffusing Plastic Window
      Connects directly to P4 sensor

    43. LEDWA80X80W

      logo with r symbol

      PresencePLUS 80 X 80 mm Area Light
      Visible White LED 24 V dc
      2 m (6.5 ft) cable with flying leads

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