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  • Controlling Temperature and Humidity for a Cabinet Maker

    Cabinet Maker Image


    A large cabinet maker needs to monitor and control the temperature and humidity throughout many rooms in a large production facility. Manual environmental readings of the entire plant were conducted periodically throughout the week.

    These manual readings only provided a snapshot of information and gathering the data took more than three hours. The customer did not have real-time, accurate information that could be used to control the plant environment.

    Manually collecting this information and controlling the fan system was timeconsuming and resulted in errors that damaged wood in storage, work in progress, and finished cabinets.


    Using a wireless system equipped with temperature and humidity sensors to capture and send environmental data back to a Modbus-based host system eliminates manual data collection.

    SureCross temperature and humidity sensors are connected to FlexPower Nodes with internal batteries and installed throughout the facility. The environmental data is transmitted back to a Modbus-based host to automatically control the fan system based on the trends in temperature and humidity.

    As soon as either the temperature or humidity levels moves out of the optimum range, the environmental system activates, preventing damage to the wood in storage and the work already in progress on the production floor.

    Each production facility uses approximately 30 Nodes equipped with temperature/humidity sensors and one Gateway.

    Installing a wireless network to monitor the environment eliminates the need to manually collect temperature and humidity data. Now, the fan system turns on and off automatically and keeps the facility within specific environmental parameters to prevent inventory damage.

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    Performance Series Industrial Wireless Gateways and Nodes
    Gateways y Nodos de la Serie Performance

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