In-Series Diagnostics Demonstration
Learn how easy it is to implement and use a complete In-Series Diagnostics safety system.
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Success Story | news
Success Story | news
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New Products | news
New Products | news
New Products | news
New Products | news
New Products | news
Success Story | DXM
Success Story | Wireless Solutions
Success Story | Wireless Gateways and Nodes
Success Story | QS18
Success Story | R58
Success Story | Smart Sensors
Success Story | CL50
Success Story | IVU
Success Story | IVU
Success Story | PTL110
Success Story | PTL110
Success Story | PTL Products
Success Story | news
Success Story | news
Success Story | K50L
Success Story
Success Story | K50FL
Success Story | LE
Success Story
Success Story | WLA
Success Story | Lentes
Success Story | T30R
Success Story | QT50R
Success Story | Nodo Inalámbrico M-GAGE
Learn how easy it is to implement and use a complete In-Series Diagnostics safety system.
Application solutions, new product updates, answers to frequently asked questions, and more delivered 1-2 times a month.
Replaces the functionality of two safety relay modules with one compact, cost-effective device. Supports up to 14 inputs and 2 dual channel relay outputs with six amps each.
Botón iluminado para una fácil identificación de qué e-stop se ha activado. Base de montaje de 30 mm para una fácil instalación y conexión sin ensamblaje.
E-stop de montaje empotrado disponible en cuatro modelos: actuador estándar, actuador estándar iluminado, actuador bloqueable y actuador bloqueable iluminado.