Banner Engineering 專用於解决问题的智慧感測器即使在恶劣的工業環境中也能可靠地進行具有挑戰性的檢測,進而節省時間並降低成本,同時减少庫存需求,加快轉換。
Featured Application | QS18光電
透明和亮面目標物Detecting clear and reflective objects are some of the most challenging sensor applications. Light can burn through a target or be reflected away erratically, making accurate detection difficult.
Featured Application | VS8
深色和低對比度目標物Dark objects are difficult to detect since they reflect very little light back to the sensor. In addition, black on black targets (low contrast between target and background) are especially challenging.
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多色包裝In packaging, targets often contain vibrant, multicolored graphics of varying reflectivity. Such varied targets can be difficult to detect reliably, especially when there are many color transitions.
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高速應用Many applications, such as registration mark detection and high-speed part counting, require sensors with response speeds fast enough to reliably detect fast moving targets.
了解有關 Banner 如何解決智慧感測器挑戰的更多資訊
通過 IO-Link 通訊,更易於跟踪感測器效能、識別檢測結果趨勢,甚至可預測需要維護時間,以便在感測器發生故障之前修復鏡頭變髒等簡單問題。