適用於智慧工廠的新型支持 IIoT 的工業控制器
Banner 推出用於處理機器感測器訊號的 DXMR90 控制器
明尼阿波利斯 —
Banner Engineering 宣佈發佈 DXMR90 工業控制器,這是 Snap Signal 系列產品的一款產品,可使客戶充分利用工業物聯網(IIoT)的競爭優勢。這種輕薄而堅固的設備可作為中央集線器使用,用於處理來自設備和連接到機器上的感測器的輸入信號。然後輸出一個組合資料流,透過其可直接查看活動流程、偵測提高特定生產力的機會,並可啟用高級預測性維護功能,以防止意外停機帶來的成本損失。
DXMR90 包含獨立的 Modbus 客戶機,可與多達五個獨立的串行網路進行並行通訊。它將 Modbus RTU 訊號轉換為 Modbus TCP/IP、乙太網路 I/P或 Profinet,並可與使用 RESTful、MQTT 和 API 等乙太網路協議的設備通訊。DXMR90 的資料輸出可以透過乙太網路(或連接的支持蜂窩的DXM 控制器)發送至雲平臺(包括 Banner 自己的雲資料服務),可實現全天候狀態監控、電子郵件或簡訊警報並獲得基於資料的觀點。
Banner Engineering designs and manufactures industrial automation products including sensors, smart IIoT and industrial wireless technologies, LED lights and indicators, measurement devices, machine safety equipment, as well as barcode scanners and machine vision. These solutions help make many of the things we use every day, from food and medicine to cars and electronics. A high-quality, reliable Banner product is installed somewhere around the world every 2 seconds. Headquartered in Minneapolis since 1966, Banner is an industry leader with more than 10,000 products, operations on five continents, and a world-wide team of more than 5,500 employees and partners. Our dedication to innovation and personable service makes Banner a trusted source of smart automation technologies to customers around the globe.