包裝應用: 最終階段包裝
我們在進階光學、LED、雷射和光電電路方面的專業技術使我們能提供感測器,可輕易偵測透明目標和反光包裝,並有調整包裝流量的延遲輸出功能。 我們有業界最完整的系列安全產品,包括可承受機械衝擊的耐用安全光幕 ,及可簡化和集中安全裝置設定和管理的擴充安全控制器。憑藉豐富的行業經驗和豐富的感測器組合,安全控制、LED照明和指示產品 ,改善您的包裝流程,並滿足您的所有機器防護 的要求。
ABR Series barcode readers can be used to solve track and trace applications, offering increased resolution to read smaller codes, over a larger target area, and at greater distances. Polarization is now available in both 1.3 MP and 2 MP ABR 7000 models for improved performance on targets with reflective surfaces or where glare is present. Our highest resolution camera, the VE is also available in only-barcode reading models, as well as the original vision camera-only model. This makes our VE series is the highest-resolution barcode reader in our portfolio, designed to better solve complex applications.
Barcode position can change with the location of each box on a conveyor and the height of the boxes can vary. An ABR 7000 barcode reader decodes multiple 1D and 2D barcodes over a large area in a single inspection, regardless of position or orientation.
Robotic Palletizer Safeguarding
為了維護飲料行業的高效生產線,應立即通知任何安全問題,這一點至關重要。使用視覺和聽覺指示來識別安全問題可以幫助員工快速找到並糾正錯誤 - 以及時將系統恢復到正常運行狀態。
Banner’s LE550 is factory configured with a range of 100 to 1000 mm and can start measuring immediately. If the range needs to be adjusted, the laser sensor has an intuitive user interface with a two-line, eight-character display, making it easy to automatically or manually adjust settings. The LE550 provides repeatability and accuracy across challenging targets, from metal to black rubber, allows for reliable measurement of the shrink wrap.
XS26 可擴充安全控制器
可擴充功能適用於通常使用 3 個或更多安全繼電器的複雜安全應用。使用擴充模組可支援多達 154 個安全輸入和多達 68 個安全輸出,每個 0.5 安培或 6 安培。
SC26 Series Safety Controllers
Flexible safety controller for machines that typically use 3 safety relays. Supports 26 inputs and 2 dual channel outputs with 0.5 amps each.
LE 系列檢測範圍可達1000 mm,可以應用於品管過程的控制、篩選和檢查作業。
30 mm Mount Emergency Stop Buttons
Banner專利的30 mm安裝底座可輕鬆完成產品安裝和連接,無需額外組裝、接線或額外的外殼。
30mm 孔位安裝緊急停止按鈕
iVu BCR提供進階的條碼讀取功能,可在空間有限、堅固的封裝中達成進階可追溯性的解決方案,提供整合觸控螢幕或遠距觸控螢幕,便於設定和監測。
WLS28-2 Versatile, All-Purpose LED Strip Light
21 mm profile compact LED light for a variety of industrial applications. Available with motion sensors, various lenses & windows for max flexibility.
LS-S 系列重載 4 型發射器和接收器
LS-S 光幕可用作單獨的發射端和接收端,是可用於客製化特定應用的獨立組件。安全光幕是直覺,簡單易用的安全裝置,用作機器的防護機構,可應對製造和包裝環境中常見的挑戰。
LS Series Kits
Banner’s LS Series light curtains are intuitive, easy-to-use machine guarding devices built to withstand challenging manufacturing and packaging environments.
TL70 with Audible Indicator
Segments for the TL70 Tower Light are available in adjustable audible modules. Modules offer tremendous flexibility and can be customized as needed.
TL70核心系列70 mm模組化塔燈
Q60系列 2公尺距離可調式感測器
Simplifying Safety Feature Management [Success Story]
Algus Packaging Inc.是熱封和熱成型包裝業的引領品牌。設計、開發和製造高性能密封機、熱成型包裝,並提供完整包裝服務。Algus提供的機械和服務為客戶提供隨著現在與未來的業務需求變化而能夠擴充和發展的能力。
Wireless Monitoring of Converter Machine Prevents Downtime and Generates Positive ROI
A corrugated packaging company used Banner's Wireless Solutions Kit to detect a mechanical issue with a motor in one of their converter machines. This allowed them to make repairs and avoid a costly production shutdown.
Detecting Various Registration Marks [Success Story]
Hamer, LLC is a Minnesota-based manufacturer of automated packaging equipment for a wide variety of applications and world-wide customers. From pet food to pellet fuels, Hamer machinery packages products in a variety of weights and sizes at speeds up to 60 bags per minute. A vital component of Hamer’s equipment is registration mark sensing—the ability to detect marks on packaging as it passes at high speeds. When a mark is detected, the equipment cuts the packaging at the designated location, eliminating waste and ensuring each bag is consistent.
大型物流中心防止運送錯誤 [成功案例]
The company was experiencing several quality control issues—bottles were coming off the line with missing, skewed and double labels. As a result, the customer was scrapping over 2,000 bottles a month, a process which requires them to cut out the mislabeled portion of the bottles and re-grind the plastic for reuse. Further, the labeling errors began prompting serious customer complaints. To avoid scrapping additional bottles and losing loyal customers, the company came to Banner for a label inspection solution.