Intuitive Safety Solutions

Machine safety devices can be difficult to use and often require complex programming.  Watch the video to learn how combining easy-to-use safety and indication devices can help keep your operations running smoothly, prevent injury, and make safety more intuitive.

Learn More About Our Most Popular Safety Products

Cortinas de Luz de Segurança Robustas Tipo 4 da Série LS em Invólucros Tubulares
Invólucro Tubular Robusto Tipo 4 Série LS

Intuitivo, fácil de usar, oferecendo um modelo sofisticado disponível com resolução de 23 mm, em um design completo e sem zona cega. Disponível em 7 alturas de área definida de 280 a 1050 mm em um invólucro tubular higiénica IP69 de 70 mm com aberturas hidrofóbicas para evitar condensação.

Product Details
30mm Mount Emergency Stop Buttons
Botões de Parada de Emergência com Montagem 30mm

Botão iluminado para fácil identificação de qual parada de emergência foi ativada. Base de montagem de 30 mm para fácil instalação e conexão sem montagem.

Product Details

Video Transcript

Machine safety can be daunting; safety devices are often difficult to use or require complex programming.   

Complicated safety systems can make it more likely for operators to try to bypass safeguards, which increases the risk of injury and downtime.

But safety can be more intuitive.

Safety and indication solutions from Banner make managing complex safety systems simpler and more visual.

Banner’s built-in status and alignment indicators make light curtains easy to deploy quickly.

They also show where the sensor is blocked, which speeds up troubleshooting.

When a light curtain is tripped, quickly identify it with an attachable indicator for faster reset.

Integrated visual management also simplifies emergency stop buttons. 

With traditional e-stops, it can be difficult to identify which button was pressed.  

An illuminated base makes it easy to see the status of all e-stops at a glance and instantly identify the pushed button.

Finally, an easy-to-use safety controller brings it all together.

Banner’s drag-and-drop user interface reduces the learning curve and makes system setup easy.

Plus, communication from the safety controller to your PLC lets you monitor your safety systems and identify faults or actuated

devices remotely.

Keep your operations running smoothly, help prevent injury, and make safety simple with the intuitive safety solutions from Banner.

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