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  • LM Series Laser Measurement Sensor [Video]

    The LM Series compact precision laser measurement sensor is a durable and extremely precise sensor that provides reliable measurements in real-world applications. Watch the video to learn more about the LM laser measurement sensor and RSD remote sensor display.

    LM  Series Precision Measurement Sensor
    Sensor de Medição de Precisão da Série LM

    A série LM oferece o melhor desempenho e estabilidade em um dispositivo compacto com uma experiência de usuário simplificada.

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    RSD Remote Display for Sensor Products
    Display de Sensor Remoto RSD

    O RSD removível é usado para programação remota e configuração de séries específicas de sensores para troca de produto e fácil substituição de dispositivo.

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    Introducing the new LM150, a compact precision laser measurement sensor from Banner Engineering.

    The LM series of lasers offers best in class performance with increased stability, reliability and precision.

    The LM150 has a range of up to 150 mm and .004 mm resolution to reliably measure a variety of colors and shiny targets.

    The compact housing can fit in small spaces and is made of 316 stainless steel and IP67 rated to provide repeatable detection even in harsh environments.

    The thermally stable design resists temperature changes and the superior mounting stability allows the LM150 to perform more accurately in the toughest work environments. Banner’s LM sensor provides high precision measurements regardless of temperature changes.

    Pairing the LM150 with the optional RSD1 helps provide easy set-up, recipe control and configuration storage.

    The RSD1 has a two-line, eight-character intuitive display and uses the same interface as the LE and LTF.

    The unit has a pigtail quick disconnect connector and can store up to 6 configurations to provide fast product changeover and device replacement for a variety of Banner sensors.

    The new LM150 from Banner Engineering. Precise measurement in the toughest environments.

    For more information, please visit bannerengineering.com.

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