SC10-2roe Safety Controller
ISD Compatible (2 ISD Chains) 10 Inputs 2 Relay Outputs (3 NO, 6 A each)
Terminal LEDs; 4 Convertible Inputs
Push-In Spring Clamp Terminals; 24 V dc; 240-580 mA
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系列診斷 (ISD) 可以輕鬆地從安全系統中的設備存取診斷資料,而無需特殊設備或特殊電纜線。使用者可以排除機器安全系統故障、防止系統故障並減少設備停機時間。這種創新的新一代技術是 Banner Engineering 安全設備的專利。與 ISD 兼容的設備達到最高安全等級(4 類、PL e 或 SIL CL 3 安全等級)。
The technology that makes In-Series Diagnostics possible is embedded in the safety devices and communicated using the same cables, connectors, adaptors, and inputs that connect the devices to the safety controller. This eliminates the time, hassle, and expense of running designated cabling between each device and the control panel in order to access diagnostic data. Users can add, move, or remove safety devices as needed and then easily error-proof the entire safety system prior to deployment.
從多達 8 個 ISD 通道和每個系列診斷通道中多達 32 個設備收集資料。使用 HMI 或類似設備,使用者可以查看每個設備的狀態和位置,並深入了解資料以確定唯一的標籤值、內部溫度、電壓和其他設備級別的詳細資料。如果受監控的門打開、緊急停止按鈕被按下或任何其他關鍵事件發生,系統警報會通知工作人員。
This tool will help you build your safety system with ISD. Start by choosing either a safety controller or IO-Link gateway. Then add one terminator for every ISD chain in your configuration, the ISD-enabled safety devices you need, and cordsets for connecting your devices together in a series. If you have any questions, please contact a Banner engineer and we will be happy to help you build your safety system with ISD over the phone or via chat.
Choose one of the safety controllers or IO-Link gateways to start building your system. You can only select one controller or gateway to add to your bundle before proceeding to your next step.
You’re about to make a change which will affect the compatibility of other items you’ve chosen in later steps. By making this change you understand that you will have to complete all subsequent steps again.
無論您是想從設備中獲得更好的診斷、簡化接線、減少控制硬體還是精簡庫存,Banner 的自動化安全設備都將確保您的工廠對機器和員工都是安全的。