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  • Landfill Leachate and Ground Well Monitoring

    Wireless Landfill Ground Well Monitoring

    Application: Monitor water levels in ground well

    Challenges: Consistent data collection is required

    Solution: FlexPower Node and Gateway

    Benefits: Battery life of several years

    To meet governmental regulations, landfill managers need to accurately measure and monitor the water levels within all ground wells in the landfill site and monitor leachate accumulation and removal.

    The ability to efficiently measure and collect data is an issue not only of resource management but also of compliance and accountability to local, state, and federal governmental organizations.


    A single FlexPower™ Node equipped with a counter input and submersible pressure sensor/transmitter can be used to reliably monitor both the leachate level and the pump.

    The submersible pressure transmitter monitors the leachate level while the counter counts pump strokes used to remove that leachate.

    When the FlexPower Node’s report rate is set to 16 seconds, a battery life of several years can be achieved without sacrificing the reliability of the monitoring system.

    The sensor information is wirelessly transmitted from the Node to a GatewayPro connected to a host system. The host system can store the data, perform calculations, or notify personnel when a service vehicle is needed at a specific well.

    Like the leachate level monitoring, ground well levels and removal must be monitored and tracked. Again, submersible pressure transmitters are used to determine the ground well water levels.

    The pressure readings are collected by the FlexPower Node, which then wirelessly transmits the data back to a Gateway Pro and host system for tracking and analysis.

    For difficult topologies, SureCross Data Radios can be used to transmit data over obstructions and extend the range of the DX80 sensor network.

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