Automotivo: Soluções de Powertrain

  1. Um leitor de código de barras PresencePLUS Pro detecta e verifica um código de barras 2D sutil, estampado nas peças de metal, apesar das variações nos códigos estampados.

  2. O iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 com Lente Micro de 25 mm substitui os leitores de códigos de barras portátil para coletar dados de códigos QR densos e difíceis de ler em transmissões de veículos. Um spot LED de alta intensidade WL50S ilumina a área desejada.

  3. A Henshaw customer manufactures drivetrain and powertrain systems for the automotive industry. The company had experienced productivity losses due to errors in the assembly of transmission valve bodies. Henshaw was tasked with developing a system that would reduce errors and improve the assembly process.

  4. A Banner wireless solution is a simple way to optimize inventory, reduce errors, and minimize waste. Each SureCross Performance Node with I/O Mapping can be equipped with up to six EZ-LIGHT operator indicator lights. The SureCross Gateway is conveniently located at a central location where maintenance personnel and management can monitor the parts consumption throughout the site.

  5. An equipment manufacturer builds test and measurement machinery for the auto industry. Operators access machine systems through the control cabinet. Intense illumination of the cabinet facilitates machine maintenance and management. Multiple AC powered fluorescent light fixtures had been used for this task.

  6. American Hoffmann Corporation chose WLB32 LED light bars to illuminate work areas, enclosures and control cabinets, replacing fluorescent light fixtures. The superior light distribution offered by the WLB32 LED lights lights, as well as the ease of installation were key factors in the company's decision.

  7. Conventional sensors can often have difficulty detecting the presence of threads. The WORLD-BEAM QS30's narrow laser beam can detect whether a hole in the manifold is threaded from a distance of up to 800 mm.

  8. Banner’s LE550 laser sensor is ideal for part-in-place verification processes. It is reliable, and extremely accurate for small part-in-place verification from long distances. The LE550 measures for 3 mm thickness using the digital output, ensuring that the retaining clip is present and the engine block is in the correct place.

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