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  • 所有物料處理解決方案

    1. Instead of installing I/O transmission cabling, use a 10 to 30V dc powered SureCross Node and a Banner T-GAGE temperature sensor. When using host control systems, the SureCross Gateway transmits the temperature to the plant control room using a digital output related to temperature setpoints within the sensor. The motor is powered down or up based on these temperatures. When using a Gateway Pro as the wireless master device, the data ca be logged and alerts sent out to notify maintenance personnel when a motor is performing outside expected parameters.

    2. A large cabinet maker needs to monitor and control the temperature and humidity throughout many rooms in a large production facility. Manual environmental readings of the entire plant were conducted periodically throughout the week. These manual readings only provided a snapshot of information and gathering the data took more than three hours. The customer did not have real-time, accurate information that could be used to control the plant environment. Manually collecting this information and controlling the fan system was timeconsuming and resulted in errors that damaged wood in storage, work in progress, and finished cabinets.

    3. • Expand available data beyond local indication • Gather information necessary to react quickly • Drive efficiency improvements based on data previously unavailable

    4. • Provide at-a-glance machine status indication • Send machine status information to a wide range of devices • Alert staff and supervisors of critical conditions via text message or email

    5. • Identify small problems before they become major issues that impact machine performance and uptime • Access environmental data from a remote location • Notify operators of critical conditions via text message or email

    6. Identify machine problems before they cause serious damage or unplanned downtime and alert staff of changes in condition via text message or email as well as provide at-a-glance local indication of machine status.

    7. 3 Apr 2019

      A laser measurement solution enables high-speed package sorting in order fulfillment applications and helps drives failure rates down—ultimately saving costs and maximizing profits.

    8. An LS Series safety light curtain with a mute arm kit in T-configuration combined with an XS26 Series safety controller is an easy-to-implement solution that protects staff from potential hazards without disrupting the flow of pallets to the depalletizer.

    9. Pallet transfer conveyors are used to move heavy loads to the shipping area. Both the pallets and the conveyor pose risks for accident and injury and must be safeguarded. An SX5-B safety laser scanners safeguards the loading and unloading stations on the conveyor and enables a continuous flow of pallets through the system.

    10. ABR Series barcode readers can be used to solve track and trace applications, offering increased resolution to read smaller codes, over a larger target area, and at greater distances. Polarization is now available in both 1.3 MP and 2 MP ABR 7000 models for improved performance on targets with reflective surfaces or where glare is present. Our highest resolution camera, the VE is also available in only-barcode reading models, as well as the original vision camera-only model. This makes our VE series is the highest-resolution barcode reader in our portfolio, designed to better solve complex applications.

    11. Banner 的 ABR 條碼閱讀器ABR系列條碼讀取器配有一個 200 萬畫素(1600 x 1200畫素)成像儀,能可靠地讀取小或複雜的條碼,即使是在遠距離或視野範圍外,也可以確保整個物流中心的運轉和包件的順暢流動。ABR 條碼讀取器可以通過 MART TEACH 按鈕直接在設備上教導條碼,實現直接開箱掃描。

    12. Barcode position can change with the location of each box on a conveyor and the height of the boxes can vary. An ABR 7000 barcode reader decodes multiple 1D and 2D barcodes over a large area in a single inspection, regardless of position or orientation.

    13. Barcodes used to track packaged produce through the supply chain contain important product information that must be verified at multiple points during packaging. An ABR 3000 barcode reader ensures that the barcode on each package is present and correct.

    14. 每個寬貨架都配備了一個一體式的EZ-LIGHT PVD拾取指示燈感測器(採用反射板式),其工作距離可達2 m。PVD點亮一個箱子,工人將從此箱子中選擇要寄送的地圖。

    15. 在書籍包裝倉庫中,每個紙箱上方的貨架配有一體式EZ-LIGHT PVD拾取燈感測器。工人透過挑選裝箱單上指定的每類書的數量來取料以滿足ˋ訂單。為了使工人更容易找到從中挑選書籍的紙箱,這些紙箱上面特定的PVD會被點亮。PVD偵測工人的手位於紙箱中,以驗證書籍已經拾取。

    16. Manual kit building at large stations can be time-consuming and subject to human error, especially if storage racks are difficult to navigate. The PTL110 series pick-to-lights are scalable for large systems and highly versatile to complete numerous tasks.

    17. Learn how a golf equipment manufacturer recently used PTL110 pick-to-light devices to simplify and accelerate their final product assembly and order fulfillment processes.

    18. 了解eFlex Systems如何透過其總控制平臺和Banner的PTL110拾取指示燈為液壓泵製造商提供產品支持,進而提高生產力並减少組裝產品過程中的錯誤。

    19. Banner’s WLB32 Industrial Light Bar is ideal for workstations. With a Hi/Lo/Off switch, operators are able to control the lighting level and are able to switch the LED light bar off when they are done. The WLB32 provides workers high brightness with even light output and enables numerous tasks in a workstation, including working on a computer.

    20. Banner’s WLS28 Work Light Strips with ON/OFF switches provide an energy-efficient solution for illuminating work areas and enclosure interiors with intense, long-lasting light. These LED lighting strips provide even, extremely bright illumination, and can easily fit in limited space setups. The work lights can be plugged into any local power source for simple operation.

    21. The heavy-duty, energy-saving WLB92 from Banner Engineering provides an extremely bright lighting solution that provides consistent lighting across a warehouse. Since the LED factory light is so bright and gives a uniform output, fewer lights are needed in total, helping reduce the overall cost of lights and installation time.

    22. The WLS27 Pro with discrete control and configured by Banner’s Pro Editor software is one of two new models of the WLS27 Pro series strip light. It now includes programmable RGBW LEDs for use in illumination, indication and inspection applications. Learn how the configurable WS27 Pro provided forklift guidance for warehouse operators.

    23. Star Equipment uses Banner's WLS27 multicolor LED strip lights with EZ-STATUS™ with their automated industrial doors for safer, more efficient movement in the workplace.

    24. Learn how a facility used WLS15 Pro with PICK-IQ to improve picking processes.

    25. Learn how a facility used the K30 Pro Touch Button to improve operator control and guidance.

    26. A solution was needed to better indicate a variety of complex statuses coming from a labeling machine. Banner's CL50 Pro column lights are an effective way to provide at-a-glance status indication.

    27. Elevators, escalators and moving sidewalks are major investments in any facility’s infrastructure. This equipment is expected to operate safely and reliably for many years and with minimal downtime for maintenance. To meet these expectations, a large-scale manufacturer of vertical and conveyor transport equipment performs rigorous tests on all system components. The data that is collected helps the company estimate component life expectancy and plan service schedules.

    28. In a warehouse, the time-of-flight L-GAGE LT7 laser sensor gauges the position of a retrieval shuttle as far as 250 m away from the sensor.

    29. In large distribution facilities, sortation trays deliver products to the proper bin for correct shipment. Before sorting can begin, each tray needs to be empty so that items can be placed on the conveyor and sent to the next location. The 5mp VE Smart Camera recognizes very fine levels of detail and can detect items of almost any size, confirming the presence or absence of items on the trays.

    30. • 精確的位置偵測• 高速輸送帶• 客戶特定的產品

    31. Vehicle detection at loading docks is complicated because sensing solutions are exposed to the elements and need to recognize a wide variety of surfaces. Rugged ultrasonic sensors work well to accurately detect the surfaces of delivery vehicles regardless of the material. Pairing with bright LED indication creates unmistakable operator guidance.

    32. Detecting trucks and signalling arrival, wireless communication.

    33. 自動化解決方案,運用磁場改變偵測貨車的到達,協助警示工人。

    34. 在明亮的照明下,感測器解決方案在裝卸區門口發出信號,指示卡車的存在。

    35. In a recent material handling application, facility managers needed to find a solution that would alert them to the status of trailer capacity at loading dock doors in real-time.

    36. Banner的EZ-ARRAY測量光幕的邊緣解析度為2.5mm,可偵測小至5 mm寬的物品,並且具有高過量增益,可用於偵測不透明物件。這些功能使其可以可靠地偵測和測量通過光幕的包裝。每對光幕的被阻擋的光束總數指示紙盒尺寸,此資料作為類比信號被發送給分揀機。然後,PLC將每個紙盒轉移到適當的儲存位置。

    37. Banner提供感應和工業LED照明解決方案,以幫助盡可能減少集裝箱內的紙盒和產品損壞。Banner的QS18FF具有背景消除功能,固定工作距離長達100 mm,反應時間為850ms,便於檢測包裝/貨物,並確保可伸縮輸送帶不會壓碎紙盒。Banner的WLB32是符合經濟效益的LED照明解決方案,分為交流和直流型,具有高流明輸出,以確保提供適當的照明

    38. Q20 WORLD-BEAM 偏光反射感測器安裝在多層穿梭車的軌道上,以確認產品處於安全區內,並確認產品的位置正確,以避免放置在“安全區”之外. Q20 感測器經濟高效,可精確檢測物品有無和放置,使其成為倉庫應用的理想選擇。

    39. Banner Q45無線訊號傳輸感測器與無線DX80進行通訊,由堆高機司機發出信號,表示可以卸下準備出貨的棧板。這有助於搬運並讓輸送帶移動得更快,並提高生產效率。堆高機司機可以更快採取行動,因此可以提高生產效率。

    40. 為了正確識別和使用視覺管理,當包已滿時感測器被觸發,然後將訊號發送到K50觸控按鈕以點亮紅燈,表示一個已裝滿的料籃。K50觸摸可以直觀地向操作人員需要剔除的袋子并利用一個空袋來代替剔除的袋子。為了顯示袋子已經為更多的包裝做好準備,操作人員按下符合人體工程學的K50按鈕,將其更換回綠燈,以顯示袋子已為後續包裝做好準備。

    41. Banner的Q30FF600背景消除感測器確認產品何時進入出口滑槽,以確保其從分揀系統中脫落,並且產品滑槽不存在卡住現象。Q30FF600具有長達600 mm的長距離感測功能,這個數字是許多滑槽的標準寬度。

    42. PresencePLUS Pro II迷你攝影機設定在分揀系統的導入台上,以便檢查進入系統的所有物品。視覺攝影機可檢查和偵測從名片尺寸到大型盒子的包裝,與偵測各種顏色的包裝。攝影機精巧迷你,安裝選項靈活,無需經過更改,即可輕鬆安裝。

    43. S18-2反射板式感測器沿自動感測輸送站提供長距離,有效的感測。偏光感測器可減少假觸發,並藉此應對有閃光的表面。S18-2反射板式感測器是有圓筒型 安裝方式的經濟實惠感測器,讓它們易於沿輸送帶安裝進行檢驗,並可提供反射板式、穿透式、漫射或固定距離型號模型。

    44. Banner的飛時測距LT7雷射感測器提供高達250公尺的遠距離範圍,並具有可見的紅色雷射光點,便於對準。依據範圍所需,可使用直接反射或反射板式雷射感測器。反射板式LT7雷射感測器提供高達250公尺的範圍,直接反射LT7雷射感測器可提供長達10公尺的長程背景消除功能。

    45. Banner的DS18感測器與區域控制模組相結合,提供經濟高效的解決方案,可為產品顯示狀態變化的輸出,並帶來最佳的產品流量。這有助於防止箱子碰撞,並停止Zone的作業,以保護包裝的內容物。

    46. Banner的PVD100是一種定制解決方案,即使在功能不一致時也能精確地偵測棧板。這種易於使用的通用光幕具有寬雷達波形,令校準變得簡單。採用精巧的設計,可以輕鬆地嵌入機器或直接安放在生產線上。PVD100光屏感測解決方案的檢測高度為100 mm,掃描範圍為2 m。它具有高度可見的紅色和綠色LED照明,以顯示操作并提供指示

    47. Banner的30 mm底座E-Stop按鈕在這種應用中工作良好,因為它們有一個照明基座,在啟動時由黃色變成閃爍的紅色。E-stop按鈕的紅色閃爍照明可以明顯地提醒操作人員按下哪個按鈕,以便他們可以快速方便地解決問題、減少停機時間,並且只重置激活的按鈕。

    48. EZ-LIGHT交通信號燈安裝在每個操作台上,向駕駛員發出信號,讓他知道他何時獲准倒車進入裝卸區。燈具為預先組裝,一個外殼中有多達三種顏色的三個指示燈,符合成本高效且易於安裝。交通信號燈是戶外應用的理想解決方案,具有強大的光輸出水準,還包括遮陽板。

    49. 運輸車通常使用導體電纜進行操作,隨著時間過去,電纜會斷裂,造成生產延誤,並增加維修成本。以無線方式控制運輸車,可以減少這些問題。

    50. 因輸送滿載的棧板涉及危險,需要水平的區域保護,將包裝生產力增加到最大,同時也保護操作人員不會因為移動機器的危險動作而受傷。

    51. 超音波感測器將提供可靠的棧板偵測。超音波感測器發出音波,並「偵聽」從目標物反彈回的音波。可以教導感測器可靠的背景,在本例下是輸送帶,並偵聽從輸送帶返回的音波。進入感測器與輸送帶之間的任何物件都將被檢測到,導致輸出切換。

    52. SureCross FlexPower™節點和低功率感測器相結合,創建一個便攜式監控系統,可立即與現有的儲存和拾取系統(AS/RS)起重機整合。Banner的可靠無線解決方案與獨特的電源管理功能的組合在AS/RS起重機上創建了大量簡化的監控應用。FlexPower電池組為節點和多達四個低功率感測器供電,可令其運行多年。可以透過一個配備多個熱電偶(用於監控電機或關鍵軸承溫度)的FlexPower節點來解決預防性維護問題。閘道(系統控制器)上的通訊輸出可用於創建歷史記錄或趨勢,以驗證設備是否以最佳性能運行。可以利用每個通道的末端的EZ-LIGHT™指示燈來通知工作人員起重機正在運動。這種雙向監控系統是一種提醒員工起重機正在運動的簡便方式,無需任何新的結構或代價高昂的停機。

    53. 在輸送帶上移動的紙盒經過三對EZ-ARRAY測量光幕。每對光幕的被阻擋的光束總數指示紙盒尺寸,此資料作為類比信號被發送給分揀機。然後,PLC將每個紙盒轉移到適當的儲存位置。

    54. 在輸送帶拐角處的包裹或手提包卡住時,位於彎道處的WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器將向報警裝置或PLC發出通知,表明有物件位於它的前面,以提醒員工存在卡住故障。

    55. WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器安裝在航空公司的輸送帶上,用於偵測經過的行李的存在和位置。QS18通用電壓感測器可以連接到交流或直流電源,這使得它們可以在已經使用交流電源的大型輸送帶應用中運行,而不需要單獨的電源。堅固,精巧的外殼和多種安裝選項增加了WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器的多用性。

    56. WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器沿著輸送帶安裝,以偵測通過的棧板是否存及其位置。這些感測器可以連接到交流或直流電源上,讓它們可用在已使用交流電源的大型輸送帶上,不需要另外供電。除了通用電壓外,該感測器還有廣受歡迎的18mm圓柱造型、多種安裝選項,以及堅固的IP67外殼,可耐受惡劣環境。在單個感測器中有多個電源和安裝選項,可以在生產線上快速輕鬆改裝。

    57. 滾筒輸送帶上方有三個QS18對照模式感測器,可偵測任何通過的物體,觸發水平QS18感測器。在QS18水平位置以下的郵件不會被偵測到,並轉移到郵件輸送帶上。包裹會被偵測到,繼續前進。

    58. 定位WOLD-BEAM Q20直接反射感測器,以偵測棧板的存在與否。 一旦棧板到了位置,輸出就會向機器人發送開始裝載的信號。

    59. Banner的無線解決方案可以將多個閘道連接到相應的節點,從而消除所有接線並提供靈活的安裝選項。閘道和節點的無線結構負責向整個設施中關鍵的I/O傳達訊號。即使使用多種無線產品,無線通訊系統也是高效的,沒有串擾干擾,也不會妨礙IT部門。

    60. Banner的RP-LS42安全繩拉動生產線輸送帶,作為一種指示存在緊急情況并立即關閉輸送帶的方式。如果在緊急情況下使用拉繩,可能難以準確定位繩子的拉動位置。K30指示燈可以與拉繩配對,以提供關於繩索的拉動位置的指示。這樣可以快速方便地指出緊急情況發生的位置,幫助盡快恢復正常運行。

    61. WORLD-BEAM Q20直接反射感測器以陣列排列放置於輸送帶上方,以偵測高速傳送帶上物體的存在。

    62. WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器可以連接到交流或直流電源,這使得它們可以在已經使用交流電源的大型輸送帶應用中運行,而不需要單獨的電源。堅固,精巧的外殼和多種安裝選項增加了WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器的多用性。
