Multicolor Indicators and Illuminated Touch Buttons Simplify Machine Panels
Multicolor Indicators and Illuminated Touch Buttons Simplify Machine Panels
S22 Pro Series touch buttons and indicators simplify control panel design and improve operator experience and performance. Pro Editor software expands the built-in display capabilities available with the S22 Pro Series, enabling custom displays.
Manual Load Weld Cell
Manual Load Weld Cell
Before shipping to the brand assembler, a supplier of auto visors needs to verify that Data Matrix UV barcodes have been printed on each visor’s safety label. The customer turned to Banner to read invisible 2D Data Matrix barcode and send data via Ethernet IP to a PLC for traceability/error proofing.
視覺感測器讀取 QR 碼
視覺感測器讀取 QR 碼
iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 with 25 mm Micro Lens replaces hand held barcode readers to collect data from dense, difficult-to-read QR codes on vehicle transmissions. A WL50S high-intensity LED spot light illuminates the target area.
讀取汽車零部件上的 DPM 條碼
讀取汽車零部件上的 DPM 條碼
Direct part mark (DPM) codes can be small, complex, and difficult to distinguish from the material they are etched into.
LED Lights Illuminate Control Cabinet
LED Lights Illuminate Control Cabinet
An equipment manufacturer builds test and measurement machinery for the auto industry. Operators access machine systems through the control cabinet. Intense illumination of the cabinet facilitates machine maintenance and management. Multiple AC powered fluorescent light fixtures had been used for this task.
Superior Light Distribution with LEDs [Success Story]
Superior Light Distribution with LEDs [Success Story]
American Hoffmann Corporation chose WLB32 LED light bars to illuminate work areas, enclosures and control cabinets, replacing fluorescent light fixtures. The superior light distribution offered by the WLB32 LED lights lights, as well as the ease of installation were key factors in the company's decision.
High-Quality LED Lighting for Conveyor Illumination
High-Quality LED Lighting for Conveyor Illumination
Finding a high-intensity, ultra-bright lighting solution for manufacturing can be challenging. Since multiple lights are required to properly illuminate areas on a conveyor, a simple mounting option to connect lights together is needed.
Inspecting Small Connectors [Success Story]
Inspecting Small Connectors [Success Story]
An automotive supply company makes a range of vehicle systems. Their seating systems combine structure and design with features that enhance comfort and safety. Weight sensors installed on the underside of the seats work in coordination with vehicle safety systems to determine the size and position of a seat occupant. These factors affect how or if airbags will be deployed in the event of an accident.
Sensors to Measure Movement Range
Sensors to Measure Movement Range
During assembly, inspections are conducted to measure seat height adjustment, forward and rearward movement, and upright and recline motion. Two sensors are used for each inspection. The sensors are deployed off the conveyor line to ensure easy access to and the free movement of the seats. At its maximum range during inspection, a seat may be as far as a meter away from the sensors.
Loop Control of Shiny Black Tread Rubber during Tire Production
Loop Control of Shiny Black Tread Rubber during Tire Production
LTF Series Laser Measurement Sensors offer tremendous accuracy over distances and are unaffected by target color or reflectivity, making them an ideal solution for monitoring loops of tread rubber. They feature high excess gain, superior signal control and automatic adaptive laser power control. Combined, these features enable reliable detection of challenging dark and reflective targets from a distance and at an angle.
Part Presence and Position Verification on a Car Door from a Distance
Part Presence and Position Verification on a Car Door from a Distance
LTF Series Laser Measurement Sensors support a sensing range of up to 24 meters and can detect objects at or from an angle, allowing the sensor to be installed away from the inspection area where it will not come into contact with equipment or be exposed to hazards.
Since door panels are often dark colors such as black or gray, and the foam used to eliminate rattles and provide stiffness is generally black, it can be difficult for standard sensors to differentiate between foam presence and absence due to poor contrast.
為了驗證金屬小零部件上存在預期的孔數,可以為多個偵測區域(ROI)設定具有多點檢測功能的iVu Plus TG影像感測器,以確保孔存在並且打孔位置正確。在設定區域檢測時,iVu將掃描沖壓零部件上的多個點,以驗證是否存在某個特征或關注的特徵。
當的窗戶直接位於電控箱後面時,LED指示燈必需非常明亮、持久的可全天提供高可視性的指示。Banner的EZ-LIGHT K50 信標燈適用於許多指示狀態應用,特別是在這個電控箱中的指示狀態,因為即使在白天信標燈也具有高可視性,並且其使用的節能LED非常持久、耐用。
如果衝壓機試圖將胎面壓印成尺寸錯誤的無印胎或綠色輪胎,則輪胎壓機中的模具將遭受代價高昂的損壞。為了將每個輪胎引導到正確的壓機,Banner's PresencePLUS P4 BCR 1.3視覺感測器根據列印在輪胎胎圈上的標籤上的條形碼中的識別信息對綠色輪胎進行分揀。在此應用中,在輸送帶上移動的綠色輪胎經過其上安裝有六個BCR 1.3視覺感測器的固定裝置的下方。
Bypass Capability on a Robotic Work Cell
Bypass Capability on a Robotic Work Cell
Using a 2 or 3-position OS80 key operated selector switch, the operator can bring the robot to a controlled stop, enter the cell, and then quickly resume operations once work in the cell is complete.