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  • 汽車業:汽車沖壓站及沖壓解決方案

    1. 提供內建 UV 環燈的 iVu BCR, 適合在低對比度的情況下偵測條碼,提供理想的解決方案。iVu內建UV燈源,提供一體化的解決方案,增加透明標籤條碼的對比度,條碼讀取更穩定。

    2. iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 with 25 mm Micro Lens replaces hand held barcode readers to collect data from dense, difficult-to-read QR codes on vehicle transmissions. A WL50S high-intensity LED spot light illuminates the target area.

    3. An equipment manufacturer builds test and measurement machinery for the auto industry. Operators access machine systems through the control cabinet. Intense illumination of the cabinet facilitates machine maintenance and management. Multiple AC powered fluorescent light fixtures had been used for this task.

    4. American Hoffmann Corporation chose WLB32 LED light bars to illuminate work areas, enclosures and control cabinets, replacing fluorescent light fixtures. The superior light distribution offered by the WLB32 LED lights lights, as well as the ease of installation were key factors in the company's decision.

    5. Precise and consistent sensing while material moves down a conveyor measuring thickness at micron levels.

    6. 為了驗證金屬小零部件上存在預期的孔數,可以為多個偵測區域(ROI)設定具有多點檢測功能的iVu Plus TG影像感測器,以確保孔存在並且打孔位置正確。在設定區域檢測時,iVu將掃描沖壓零部件上的多個點,以驗證是否存在某個特征或關注的特徵。

    7. 在製造商的設施中,操作人員手動從模具中插入和移除金屬零部件。在完成後,零部件透過金屬滑槽送入一個箱子。為了防止模具碰撞(在壓機中同時有兩個零部件),客戶需要一個感測器,可以偵測滑槽上的各個零部件,並向控制系統發送一個訊號,表明壓機已經空閑,並允許操作人員執行下一個衝程。需要安裝一個解決方案:無需在滑槽側部的切割槽中或滑槽末端安裝感測器,因為這樣做可能會為行進的零部件產生绊点。

    8. 矽晶圓放置在晶圓盒中,在完全浸沒在去離子水中的輸送帶上,從一個流程轉送到另一個流程。D10感測器的聚四氟乙烯封裝對照模式纖維位於輸送帶兩側。晶圓盒存在時,對照的光束就會被遮斷。
