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  • 所有食品解決方案

    1. The EPA has placed restrictions on the use of many fumigants citing a correlation between their use and ozone depletion. As an alternative, a large-scale flour mill performs three to four thermal remediations per year to eradicate flour beetles. The temperature inside the mill is brought up to 122° F (50° C). This is done gradually to minimize equipment and building strain caused by heat expansion.

    2. A resistance temperature detector senses the temperature of a walk-in cooler and sends the data to a SureCross FlexPower Node. The Node in turn sends that data to a Gateway, which issues an alarm to management if the temperature exceeds acceptable limits. The DX80 FlexPower Nodes have a IP67 rating for rugged environments and work well in the cold.

    3. Performance Series all-in-one wireless pressure sensors make it easy to monitor pressure levels in large and complex systems from any network-enabled location.

    4. Clear, thermoformed plastic containers, trays and clamshells are used to package a wide variety of products. Packagers must be able to detect the leading edge.

    5. Sensor solutions to verify packaging and count on conveyor. Foil and film packaging such as tea bags, multiple colors on packaging material.

    6. Sensor solutions to detect clear glass jars to be filled with food in a strict sanitary environment where frequent, high-pressure washdowns and IP69K ratings.

    7. Sensor solutions to detect reflective food wrappers such as Mylar with conveyor belt presence verification, utilizing foreground suppression.

    8. 當感測器處於透明物體感測模式時,可確保在送料過程中正確放置塑膠託盤。

    9. Sensor solutions to monitor a conveyor to ensure there are no stuck bottles when bottles are clear plastic in a large sensing area.

    10. Learn how the Q4X detects clear plastic trays at hopper and filling station in the food industry.

    11. Safety light screens on a meat slicer protect operators from sharp blades while in operation. The environment is harsh and frequently exposed to chemical washdowns. The EZ-SCREEN LS with hygienic enclosure keeps personnel safe while preventing water and chemical damage to the light screen.

    12. Learn how magnet switches protect operators from the harmful interior of a heat sealer.

    13. Learn how SI-RF Series safety switches can be used to monitor multiple guard doors, ensuring the highest levels of safety, and making it easy to identify and resolve issues.

    14. Banner’s WLS28 LED Light Strips allow operators to identify frozen dinners that have not properly entered a carton and fix the problem with minimal downtime. Their long-lasting and durable cool white light means they’re an energy-efficient solution for illuminating the inside of a cartoner. IP69K rated, they can handle frequent machine wash down procedures.

    15. Banner’s U-Gage QT50U ultrasonic sensor excels at the most challenging level applications, bouncing sound off any solid surface—even those that may vary in consistency or contrast. The sensor is available with a Teflon-coated transducer cover, making it resistant to harsh chemicals and suitable for the food and beverage industry. Ultrasonic sensors are able to provide accurate monitoring of pump-controlled tanks by sending a continuous signal to measure the current tank depth.

    16. Q4X類比雷射光測量感測器上的兩點教導選項用於教導感測器測量機器桶槽是空或滿。可以手動調節微調感測器輸出。類比輸出提供了堆疊高度距離的即時測量。這樣可以在無需手動移動感測器距離的情況下,讓紙箱機械設有幾個「呼叫零件」的區域。

    17. The dough for one of the company’s many popular breakfast cereals must fall within specific height parameters to ensure that it will have the perfect flake. Dough that is too thick will emerge from baking stiff and heavy. Dough that is too thin will crumble easily. This impacts the quality, taste and texture of the final product as well as product weight and packaging. Any product that does not meet the rigorous quality standards of the company will not be shipped or sold on the consumer market.

    18. Baking is a mixture of creativity, precision and attention to detail. The Wilkinson Baking Company has added technical innovation to the mix. The Wilkinson Bread Bakery is a compact, completely self-contained and fully automated bread bakery. This unique machine combines technology with tradition to transform simple raw ingredients into bakery fresh bread at 40 loaves an hour.

    19. Banner’s LTF Series Laser Measurement Sensor features high excess gain, superior signal control and automatic adaptive laser power control. These features enable reliable detection of the chewing gum from up to 12 meters away, regardless of color or reflective surfaces inside the hopper.

    20. 跟踪送料機上的託盤高度,確保及時補充產品而不影響生產。

    21. Using K50U ultrasonic sensors and Q45U wireless nodes paired to a DXM100 wireless controller, we can develop a wireless monitoring system for multiple tank level measurements that is easy to set up, interpret the results, and monitor locally through a cloud-based system.

    22. The S18U Series Ultrasonice Sensor monitors loop control on a food packaging line to detect any breaks or tears in the clear plastic film. The S18U detects targets regardless of color or transparency.

    23. Banner’s LX Series is an economical solution for detecting the leading edge of flat objects, such as the frozen dinner containers. With a web of modulated light, the LX Series part-sensing light screen can detect any item—in any position—passing through the light screen.

    24. The analog U-GAGE S18U ultrasonic sensor positioned below a web of clear plastic monitors the tension of the loop, signaling the rate of uptake to increase or decrease as needed.

    25. 顏色多變的深色包裝很難用傳統的紅色LED感測器進行檢測。Banner Engineering的微型VS8光電感測器,帶有藍色LED,特別適用於低反射率標籤,可以檢測加壓罐中的冷藏食品。小型感測器適合狹小空間,適用於短距離應用。藍色LED與小光斑配合使用,以最大限度地減少標籤上顏色轉換的影響。

    26. Banner的Q4X雷射感測器,由316L級不銹鋼製成,非常適合製藥環境和其他無菌填充區域。Q4X的感測範圍為25至300mm,提供精巧的光點尺寸,可以有效地檢測瓶蓋離開進震動盤時的方向。如果任何瓶蓋上下顛倒,Q4X將檢測高度差異並剔除錯誤的瓶蓋。

    27. 在強力的沖洗環境下,提醒操作人員在食品加工生產線上的秤重站上故障狀態。

    28. 驗證塑膠託盤是否達標是食品加工產業的重中之重。如生產線出現錯誤,會造成不必要的混亂和浪費,繼而導致成本高昂的停機時間。

    29. QS18LD雷射直反式感測器掃描包裝頂部,以確定是否有封口打開。雷射直反式感測器提供精確的偵測,以驗證冷凍包裝是否被正確密封。

    30. Banner堅固的PresencePLUS P4密封式OMNI視覺感測器適用於日期/批號的驗證,因為它使用光學字元驗證/OCV檢查,以確保正確的日期和批號被清晰列印。這款感測器的外殼的防護等級為IP68,是食品和飲料應用的理想之選,因為它可以承受嚴酷的沖洗環境。P4 OMNI感測器透過驗證紙盒的邊緣,輕鬆找到需要進行日期/批號檢測的紙盒的相應區域。Wi

    31. 為了驗證每個包裝上是否列印有日期/批號,設定iVu系列感測器,以進行配對檢測。捕獲日期/批次代碼的影像。在運行檢測時,如果感測器檢測到沒有日期/批號的包裝,則將故障輸出訊號發送到生產線,並且產品被剔除。

    32. 為了驗證每個盒子是否正確,設定iVu系列感測器,以進行支持360度旋轉的比對檢測。捕獲正確的盒子的影像,在運行檢測時,如果感測器檢測到不正確的盒子,感測器將發送失敗輸出訊號到生產線,且產品被剔除。

    33. Banner iVu TG視覺感測器具有多點檢測功能,是偵測和評估防偽封膜的位置的理想選擇。在此應用中,防偽封膜應位於瓶子的瓶蓋和頸部周圍。認為位置太高、太低或完全缺失的密封是不可接受的。透過多點檢測,iVu TG視覺感測器可以同時偵測防偽帶缺失和位置不佳。

    34. iVu TG影像感測器適用於標籤驗證,因為它具有四種感測器類型,包括一個比對感測器。比對感測器確定標籤上的圖案是否與參考圖案匹配,以及是否正確定向。只需按一下按鈕或遠程透過PLC - 使用者即可輕鬆教導iVu影像感測器識別和比對正確的標籤圖案,無需影像處理專業知識。

    35. 安裝在輸送帶上方的高解析度PresencePLUS P4 OMNI 1.3可檢測每盒12個巧克力糖果,確保每個紙巢包含一個糖果,且糖果完好無損。

    36. 在空間有限的應用中,可以輕鬆放置WORLD-BEAM Q20感測器,以便在將標籤套用於產品之前驗證其是否存在。

    37. 圍繞輸送帶安裝的PresencePLUS P4 COLOR OMNI基於顏色檢測裝有12顆巧克力的糖果盒,確保每個位置包含正確類型的糖果。它剔除在位置包含錯誤巧克力的盒子,以及缺少產品或有損壞產品的盒子。

    38. 當每個沙拉醬瓶離開標籤站時,配寘為使用匹配工具的IVU系列視覺感測器檢查標籤,將其與預先配寘的參攷影像進行比較,以確保標籤存在並正確應用。

    39. Banner感測器放置在輸送帶上方,檢測每個通過的盒子是否缺少巧克力。當一個通過的盒子觸及由一對Q12對比模式感測器產生的感測光束時,安裝在盒子上方的QS18AF感測器陣列將檢測每個位置是否缺失巧克力。當檢測到包含錯誤數量的巧克力的盒子後,輸出訊號被轉送到包裝線上的主控制器,以警告存在故障條件。

    40. 為確保產品品質標準得到滿足,產品外觀與品牌一致,公司必須對每一瓶進行檢查,以確保正確的瓶蓋存在並正確固定。

    41. Banner’s S18-2 barrel sensor is a cost-effective, reliable sensing method for this type of application. Its small size makes it easy to integrate along the manufacturing line, and its competitive price means it is well-suited for applications requiring multiple sensors. With a powerful and bright visible red emitter beam, the S18 sensors are easy to align during set up.

    42. QS18LD雷射直反式感測器掃描包裝頂部,以確定是否有封口打開。雷射直反式感測器提供精確的偵測,以驗證冷凍包裝是否正確密封。

    43. With a narrow beam that projects a small bright spot, the QS18LLP laser, polarized, retro-reflective sensors provide precise position control when triggering various devices. In this application, the QS18LLP is able to correctly detect the glossy carton as it travels down the conveyor—without proxing—and trigger the ink jet printer to print the date/lot code on the carton. The second sensor triggers the P4 OMNI to inspect the date/lot code and verify it is legible and correct.

    44. WLS28直線型工作燈條:明亮耐久的LED直線型工作燈可在紙盒包裝機內提供最佳能見度,方便操作人員使用,並可輕鬆安裝在機器上,不會阻擋安全鉸鏈開關:如果門打開,不銹鋼、承重安全鉸鏈開關可支持紙盒包裝機的機門,並將機器關閉,儘可能減少蓄意失敗的風險

    45. Banner堅固的PresencePLUS P4密封OMNI視覺感測器適用於日期/批號的驗證,因為它使用光學字元驗證/ OCV檢測,以確保正確的日期和批號被清晰列印。這款感測器的外殼的防護等級為IP68,是食品和飲料應用的理想之選,因為它可以承受嚴酷的沖洗環境。P4 OMNI感測器透過驗證紙盒的邊緣,輕鬆找到需要進行日期/批號檢測的紙盒的相應區域。Wi

    46. 該應用的感測特性簡單而獨特:感測器直接位於白色、高反光的背景上方,且必須偵測不同紋理、較暗、較低對比度的物體。EZ-BEAM T18固定距離感測器是理想的解決方案。它有清晰的偵測截斷值,對顏色變化不敏感 - 對一定範圍內存在的物體發出信號,但會略背景。

    47. EZ-BEAM Q25反射板式感測器適用於此應用。它可發射一個高功率光束,可靠地偵測任何通過秤的黑色物體。如果要偵測透明的物體,則使用Q25偏光反射板式型號。Q25有IP69K保護等級的外殼,經得起食品應用中刺激的沖洗。安裝簡單;Q25無需調整。

    48. Banner’s WORLD-BEAM QS18LP laser sensor accurately inspects every carton that passes on the conveyor, ensuring the robot is triggered to load cartons into the package. With a visible laser sensing beam, the QS18LP provides precise position control, which is ideal to ensure accurate counting of cartons at a close range. The rugged QS18LP is also ideal for confined spaces and is easily set up along a conveyor for accurate sensing. With highly bright LEDs, operating status is visible from 360⁰.

    49. D10使用雙數位輸出,透過顏色 — 黃色、藍色或綠色來分揀口香糖包裝。D10 Expert的兩個輸出設定如下:兩個輸出都是ON表示黄色,兩個輸出都是OFF表示蓝色,一個輸出是ON,一個輸出是OFF表示綠色。Q12感測器的輸出線連接到D10的輸入控制線,以確保在不存在包裝時輸出均為OFF,使得感測器不會錯誤地發出藍色包裝存在的訊號。

    50. • 透明薄膜• 頻繁沖洗的衛生環境• 擁擠的感測區域
