Die Protection in Tire Manufacturing

Die Protection in Tire Manufacturing Image


To protect the dies in tire presses from damage by directing green tires to the correct press


The dies in tire presses suffer costly damage if the press tries to stamp the tread into an unstamped, or green, tire of the wrong size.

To direct each tire to the correct press, Banner’s PresencePLUS P4 BCR 1.3 vision sensors sort green tires based on identifying information in the bar code printed on a label on the tire’s bead.

In this application, the green tires moving on a conveyor pass below a fixture on which six BCR 1.3 vision sensors are mounted. Using multiple sensors ensures that the entire inner rim is checked at the optimum speed for the line and optimum resolution for detecting the code regardless of location.

Ring lights mounted on each BCR 1.3 vision sensor create contrast between the bar code label and the background.

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