Window Tint Verification

Window Tint Verification Image


When car windows are sequenced to production, it is important to verify tint presence or absence on the glass. This helps confirm the correct glass is being used for the production model on the final assembly line.


Banner’s DF-G1 light receiver sensor differentiates between windows with or without tint based on how much external light passes through the glass. The DF-G1 self-contained device has a simple push button set-up for easy adjustment along the conveyor. An intuitive user display allows for immediate sensor feedback.

As a robot places glass on a fixture, multiple sensors are set up aimed toward lighting sources for inspection purposes. Multiple sensors can be used to generate a positive signal when tint is detected, or when no tint is present.

The DF-G1 fiber amplifier provides a dual digital display with an easy-to-use rocker switch and additional configuration options. Factory lighting can be used as the source light to illuminate the area where tint detection occurs, or optional LED back lights can be installed to provide an adequate amount of light for inspection purposes.

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