R95C IO-Link Hub
The R95C is an IO-Link device hub to consolidate and send discrete signals to an IO-Link Master over a standard M12 cable. The R95C features eight input ports. Each input port has two discrete channels (either PNP or NPN).
This video demonstrates how to set up On and Off delays with the R95C Hybrid IO-Link Hub.
This is a short how-to video that will demonstrate how to set up On and Off delays with the R95C Hybrid IO-Link Hub from Banner Engineering.
For this example, we are using a discrete photoelectric sensor connected to port 2 in the hub, which will be mirrored to an S15L indicator connected to port 3.
The first step is to configure the hub for port mirroring.
If you need help with this step, check out our video on setting up simple port mirroring.
To set up an On delay, open the parameters for the port to which the discrete input device is connected.
Click on the dropdown menu on the row labeled 'Delay Mode', and select 'On Off Delay'.
On the line below, labeled 'Delay Timer 1', enter the delay time that you want for the On delay in milliseconds.
For this example, we will enter 3000 for a three-second delay.
Click 'Write Params' to write the On delay to the hub.
An Off delay can also be added by entering the desired time on the line labeled 'Delay Timer 2'.
If both On and Off delays are required, simply enter the desired delay lengths into each field and click 'Write Params'.
That covers the basics of setting up On and Off delays using the R95C Hybrid IO-Link Hub and the IO-Link Configuration software.
For more information, visit bannerengineering.com.
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