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為了驗證金屬小零部件上存在預期的孔數,可以為多個偵測區域(ROI)設定具有多點檢測功能的iVu Plus TG影像感測器,以確保孔存在並且打孔位置正確。在設定區域檢測時,iVu將掃描沖壓零部件上的多個點,以驗證是否存在某個特征或關注的特徵。
可擴充功能適用於通常使用 3 個或更多安全繼電器的複雜安全應用。使用擴充模組可支援多達 154 個安全輸入和多達 68 個安全輸出,每個 0.5 安培或 6 安培。
Banner WLC60重載型LED燈為惡劣環境設計,可承受高壓沖洗、冷卻液和洗滌劑濺曝的環境。提供不銹鋼型號及IP67-、IP68g-和IP69K等級。
Bright, glare-free workstation light with adjustable brightness improves productivity. Cascadable models for continuous lighting with minimal wiring.
LE 系列檢測範圍可達1000 mm,可以應用於品管過程的控制、篩選和檢查作業。
建立一點對多點無線網路,以在大區域上分配I/O。輸入和輸出類型包括數位訊號(幹觸點,PNP/NPN)、類比(0至10 V直流,0至20 mA)、溫度(熱電偶和RTD)以及脈衝計數器。
LX 零組件感測陣列提供廣域偵測,用於偵測輸送機上的小零件、零件驗證和邊緣偵測。
The LX Part-Sensing Array provides wide-area detection used for sensing small parts on conveyors, leading-edge detection, and part ejection verification.
與DUO-TOUCH SG雙手控制模組介面搭配時,可藉由雙手控制啟動時保護雙手,還提供符合人體工學的穩固解決方案。配件包括底座和自由安裝架子、EZ-LIGHT指示燈和可自由選用的安裝支架。
An equipment manufacturer builds test and measurement machinery for the auto industry. Operators access machine systems through the control cabinet. Intense illumination of the cabinet facilitates machine maintenance and management. Multiple AC powered fluorescent light fixtures had been used for this task.
American Hoffmann Corporation chose WLB32 LED light bars to illuminate work areas, enclosures and control cabinets, replacing fluorescent light fixtures. The superior light distribution offered by the WLB32 LED lights lights, as well as the ease of installation were key factors in the company's decision.
iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 with 25 mm Micro Lens replaces hand held barcode readers to collect data from dense, difficult-to-read QR codes on vehicle transmissions. A WL50S high-intensity LED spot light illuminates the target area.