What to Look for in a Laser Measurement Solution
Reliable Sensing
Data from sensors and other field devices was once inaccessible. For many manufacturers, these field devices offer untapped potential for greater visibility into their operations and more advanced, data-driven decision making.
Rugged Design
With the trend of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), device-level data can now be made accessible to operators and plant managers, providing valuable insight into machine performance, process inefficiencies, and more.
What is Your Challenging Distance Measurement Application?
Banner engineers are here to help! Let us know about your distance measurement challenges, and our engineers can help you find the right solution for your application.
Solves difficult distance-based applications including black foam on black plastic, black rubber in front of metal, multicolor packaging and targets of all colors.
검은색 도어 패널에서 검은색 부품 감지
Differentiate between foam and poor contrast background
병 충전 수위 감지
Measure fill level, provide feedback on height of pills
세척 환경에서 투명 병 감지
라인 압력 조절을 위한 누적 감지
세척 환경에서 투명 유리 및 플라스틱 PET 병 감지
Washdown environment, IP69K ratings required
어둡고 대비가 낮은 표적
Dark objects are difficult to detect since they reflect very little light back to the sensor. In addition, black on black targets (low contrast between target and background) are especially challenging.
엔진 블록의 고무 와셔 감지
어두운 재료 감지, 충격 위험
위생 환경에서 투명 플라스틱 식품 용기 감지
위생 환경, IP69K 등급 필요
이중 출력 상태 표시
The S15L Series In-Line Sensor Status Indicator is a two color indicator light that indicates power and output status. Its inline connection, over-molded design and bright indication create a cost-effective solution that can be applied to most 4- or 5-pin devices with an output.
About Banner Engineering
Founded in 1966, Banner Engineering is a global company and a globally recognized leader in the field of process and industrial automation. Our sensors and vision sensors, LED lights and indicators, wireless and safety products are used by companies large and small, from industry leaders in the Fortune 500 to innovators just entering the market.