How-To Guide: Pro Strip Lights Distance Mode
This video covers the basics of setting up the Distance mode for Pro-compatible strip lights from Banner Engineering.
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Banner WLS28 Pro LED 스트립 라이트는 견고한 알루미늄 하우징, 비산 방지 창, 인상적인 환경 등급이 적용되어, 기계, 인클로저 또는 기타 산업용 조명 분야에 적합한 범용 LED 라이트입니다.
Simplify system design with reduced wiring, onboard diagnostics LEDs, providing you greater flexibility, improved performance, multi-protocol support, and compact designs.
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With the Pro Editor software and Pro Converter Cable, you can easily customize indicators with a wide variety of color and animation options.
The software allows users to program their own devices in the field without requiring IO-Link.
This software allows users to easily customize their own indicators with a wide variety of color and animation options in the field without requiring IO-Link.
다양한 Banner 조명 및 센서 제품과 함께 사용할 수 있는 범용 통신 케이블
This video covers the basics of setting up the Distance mode for Pro-compatible strip lights from Banner Engineering.
The Pro Series programmable multicolor LED devices from Banner Engineering offer limitless possibilities for advanced indication of dynamic machine states, operator interaction, and process statuses. Watch the video to see what elevates a Banner Pro light above a traditional factory light.