QS18 시리즈 다용도 광전 센서
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Welcome to a short how-to video that will cover the light set and dark set modes for the QS18 Expert Photoelectric Sensors from Banner Engineering.
The light set mode measures the light returning to the receiver and sets the switching threshold 12.5% below the taught condition.
To teach the sensor with the light set mode, press and hold the pushbutton for two to four seconds, until the green power LED turns off and the amber output LED flashes once per second.
Present the target condition and press the button four times consecutively.
The power LED will flash three times and then turn solid, indicating that the sensor has been taught successfully.
The dark set mode works in the opposite way. It measures the light returning to the receiver and sets the switching threshold 12.5% above the taught condition.
To teach the sensor with the dark set mode, press and hold the pushbutton for two to four seconds, until the power LED turns off and the amber output LED flashes once per second.
Present the target condition and push the button five times consecutively.
The power LED will flash three times and then turn solid, indicating that the sensor has been taught successfully.
If you need to flip the output condition, press the button seven times.
That covers the basics for using the light set and dark set modes for the QS18 Expert Sensors.
For more information, visit bannerengineering.com.
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