Black O-Ring Detection

Black O-Ring Detection Image


Black o-rings on shiny metal parts can be difficult to detect for standard photoelectric sensors because the speed of the conveyor and parts, as well as the contrast difference. Parts must have o-rings present in order to pass the inspection.

A sensor that can quickly and accurately detect o-rings and sense contrast differences between black and shiny surfaces is needed for accurate verification of o-rings on parts.


The Q3X is Banner’s rugged, versatile laser contrast sensor, ideal for applications that require fast detection. As parts go down the conveyor, the Q3X will be able to detect if the o-ring is present based on the taught contrast differences. If the o-ring is not present, the Q3X will see a bright signal level and send an output to the PLC. This alerts operators to fix the error or move the part off of the production line. If the o-ring is present, it will see a dark signal level, and no output is sent.

Since the Q3X is laser-based, it allows the sensor to be several inches away from the product and still detect small parts such as a black o-ring.

The Q3X has an easy to read three-digit display with an intensity-based readout, for immediate feedback. With high-speed part detection capabilities of up to 250 µs, the Q3X can capture up to 2,000 events per second. The rugged, nickel-plated zinc, laser-marked housing makes the sensor suitable for many environments, even where cutting fluids and oils may be present.

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