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Hybrid Controller/Relay
Takes the place of two safety relays and is easily configured to your device and logic needs.
PC configurable
Safe Devices: up to 70 with ISD
Safety Inputs: up to 14 w/ATO
Safety Outputs: 2, 6A each
Convertible Safety Inputs: up to 40
Terminal LEDs
Industrial Ethernet
EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC
Flexible safety controller for machines that typically use 3 safety relays.
PC configurable
Safety Inputs: 26
Safety Outputs: 2, 0.5A each
Convertible Safety Inputs: 8
Live View and Configure via Ethernet Connection
LCD Display (option)
Industrial Ethernet (option)
EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC
In-Series Diagnostics
Expandable for complex safety applications where 3 or more safety relays are typically used.
PC configurable
Safe Devices: up to 394 with ISD
Safety Inputs: up to 154
Safety Outputs: up to 68, 0.5A to 6A each
Convertible Safety Inputs: up to 40
Live View and Configure via Ethernet Connection
LCD Display (option)
Industrial Ethernet (option)
EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC, EtherCAT
In-Series Diagnostics
Hybrid Controller/Relay
Takes the place of two safety relays and is easily configured to your device and logic needs.
Flexible safety controller for machines that typically use 3 safety relays.
Expandable for complex safety applications where 3 or more safety relays are typically used.
PC configurable
Safe Devices: up to 70 with ISD
Safety Inputs: up to 14 w/ATO
Safety Outputs: 2, 6A each
Convertible Safety Inputs: up to 40
Terminal LEDs
Industrial Ethernet
EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC
PC configurable
Safety Inputs: 26
Safety Outputs: 2, 0.5A each
Convertible Safety Inputs: 8
Live View and Configure via Ethernet Connection
LCD Display (option)
Industrial Ethernet (option)
EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC
In-Series Diagnostics
PC configurable
Safe Devices: up to 394 with ISD
Safety Inputs: up to 154
Safety Outputs: up to 68, 0.5A to 6A each
Convertible Safety Inputs: up to 40
Live View and Configure via Ethernet Connection
LCD Display (option)
Industrial Ethernet (option)
EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, PCCC, EtherCAT
In-Series Diagnostics