Local Status Indication
Identify and Resolve Problems Quickly
Local status indication provides operators and supervisors with clear information when and where they need it so that they can quickly resolve critical status conditions. LED indicators can be easily understood in any language and with minimal training.
For operators, illuminated indicators, touch buttons, and e-stops are nearby and provide status clearly, so they can act quickly and confidently when problems occur.
Tower lights and other high visibility indicators communicate machine, work cell, and inventory status at a glance, helping supervisors monitor multiple stations or machines and identify and resolve issues effectively.
A local indication is a must, but several challenges may impact the type of indicator that you choose for your application.
Visibility: It is essential to understand who needs to see the indicator to identify the right solution. Tower lights mounted above the machine are ideal for supervisors who need to be able to scan the work area and quickly identify stations that need assistance; meanwhile, operators may need a solution that is within their normal sightlines.
Environment: Industrial environments can be harsh, and local indicators are often right in the middle of the process. They may be exposed to vibration, impact, spills, and more that can damage the electronics. Choosing a rugged LED indicator built for industrial use is a must to protect your investment.
Every application is different. Explore typical solutions below, or contact an engineer to discuss your specific requirements.
Make Controls More Intuitive
- Modern indication requires a broader spectrum of color options than the typical 3-5 colors available with most traditional indicators.
- Multicolor indicators with up to 14 color options and animations allow each status or step in a process to have a different indication from other steps, eliminating confusion and speeding up interpretation of the signals.
- Control panels are an excellent application for multicolor indicators. Machine panels with many buttons and indicators can complicate communication and hinder machine operation.
- Adding multicolor indicators to panels can make the control panel more intuitive for operators and shorten the learning curve.
Protect Your Investment
- LED indicators experience some of the most punishing environments in the factory.
- For example, operators may accidentally drop or spill things on the indicators. Plus, LED indicators are often directly mounted to machinery exposing them to constant vibration.
- For washdown applications, an LED indicator rated IP69K is essential to withstand high-temperature, high-pressure washdown.
- All K30 and K50 Series indicators from Banner are impact-resistant and rated IP66, IP67, and IP69K to protect the LED from damage in almost any environment.
Get the Functionality You Need
- We provide many options to help you identify the right solution for your application.
- Tower lights and indicators are available in a wide variety of form factors, color and animation options, audible alarms, laser-etched symbols or wording, and wireless communication.
- Color and animations represent more statuses with ease.
- Audible alarms provide sound cues to get the operator's attention if they are looking away from the light.
- Wireless communication allows indicators like tower lights to be used for remote control, simple status monitoring, and even to track machine downtime for OEE calculations.
Panel Mount Indicator
22 mm汎用マルチカラーRGBフラッシュマウント式インジケータ― (モーメンタリー出力またはラッチ式タッチボタン)
- 液体の吹き付け、洗浄剤、オイル、その他異物による誤作動のない、優れた耐性
- 堅牢でコスト効率の良い、設置が簡単なタッチボタン付きマルチカラーインジケータ
- バナーのPro Editorソフトウェアによりプログラミング可能
- 長寿命でメンテナンスも少ない個体エレクトロニクス
- IP69に準拠した耐水構造で洗浄環境に最適
- 1つのユニットに最大14色のカラー
- 手、手首、腕への負担を軽減する人間工学設計
- 素手または手袋着用時の作動可
- 電源電圧DC10 V~30 V
- パネルへの取り付けを素早く行えるターミナルコネクタオプション
50 mm LED Indicator
バナーエンジニアリングの最も需要の高いインジケータライトです。この50 mmの汎用インジケータには、AC電源とDC電源のオプションが用意されています。
- 頑丈でコスト効率が高く、設置しやすいインジケータ
- ドームの点灯により、操作指示と装置ステータスを簡単に確認可能
- コンパクトなアンプ内蔵型の装置で、コントローラも不要
- 電源電圧DC18~30V、AC85~130V
- 最大3色の表示が可能
- EMIおよびRFIに対する高い耐性
TL50 Core Series
50 mm LED Tower Light
- ほとんどの産業ネットワークへの接続や、器具の照明とブザーセグメントのリモート制御と監視を簡単化できるよう、IO-Link通信対応モデルを提供
- オンラインツールを使えば、今すぐご要望に合わせて構成されたモデルをご注文いただけます
- 配線済みオプションまたはQDオプションにより機械に直接すばやく簡単に取り付け可能、組立不要
- 完全アンプ内蔵型であるため、コントローラが不要
- 1台のタワーライトで7色までの表示に対応、標準輝度のタワーライトでは10色から、高輝度では5色から選択
- 複数のライトを同時に点灯可能
- 周囲光による疑似表示を防止するため、消灯時はグレーに
- 汎用AC電圧モデルもご用意