Enclosure and Cabinet Lighting

WLS15 strip light illuminates a safety control panel

Light Up Tight Spaces for Faster, Better Work

Cabinets and enclosures require proper illumination for tasks such as component installation, maintenance, and monitoring. A maintenance technician needs a bright, ergonomic light source to wire relays and perform other tasks.

Enclosure lighting solutions from Banner Engineering provide brilliant, bright LED illumination and feature a compact, low-profile design, ideal for use in tight and confined areas.

Cascadable models, AC or DC powered versions, and a broad range of mounting brackets provide flexibility and simplify installation.

Challenges of Illuminating Cabinets and Enclosures

control cabinet
Tight, Dark Spaces Make Maintenance a Challenge

Cabinets and other enclosures often have very dim lighting, since the enclosure obstructs overhead lighting. Furthermore, setup and installation of cabinet illumination can be challenging since work areas have limited space and limited access to power sources.

However, maintenance staff needs to be able to see what they are doing to complete tasks efficiently and avoid costly mistakes.

Keep reading to learn about Banner's solutions for cabinet and enclosure lighting, or contact us to discuss your specific application. 

Solutions for Enclosure Lighting

WLS15 led light illuminates a safety control cabinet
Ultra Compact Devices for the Tightest Spaces

LED Light with Ultra-slim Profile

  • The new WLS15 Series is a professional grade LED strip light that makes it easy and very cost-effective to illuminate tight spaces for improved efficiency, productivity, and safety.
  • The space-saving design of the WLS15 enables installation in confined areas and very tight spaces. It has a slim 15 mm profile that will not obstruct sight lines or disrupt the work environment. 
  • The ability to cascade lights together combined with flexible mounting options, such as endcap mounting holes, snap clips, and a wide range of available brackets, simplify installation and wiring and make it easy to deploy and power one or multiple lights within a short amount of time.
A Better Alternative to Fluorescent Lights

Bright, Versatile, and Adjustable Strip Lights

  • Traditional fluorescents are impractical, difficult to mount and provide insufficient brightness to illuminate control cabinets.
  • In the application pictured right, four 570 mm WLB32 light bars were installed into each machine’s control cabinet. Pairs of lights were daisy-chained together and deployed contiguous to the cabinet entry.
  • The magnetic mounting brackets simplify installation and make it easy to adjust the position and direct light where needed.  Vertical mounting ensures an even distribution of light from the bottom of the cabinet to the top.
  • Hi/Lo/Off settings allow staff to adjust light levels and turn off lights when they are not needed, saving energy costs.
WLB32 LED lights illuminate a control cabinet
Focused Light Exactly Where You Need It

Spotlight with Optional Flex Arm

  • In some applications, a strip light alone may be insufficient to illuminate every dark crevice in a cabinet or enclosure.  A portable solution may also be needed to direct light to a specific location. 
  • The spotlight can also be placed and re-positioned inside of metal cabinets with magnetic mounting options.
  • An LED light distributes even illumination with no shadows.
Featured Products

WLS15 low profile, low power LED strip light
WLS15 Series

Low Profile, Low Power LED Strip Light


  • 狭いスペースにも簡単に設置できる薄型設計
  • 1つのモデルでDC12Vおよび24Vに対応
  • 濡れた環境や汚れた環境での使用に適した、IP67等級に対応した完全密閉構造
  • 軽量でありながら衝撃や振動に耐える頑丈な構造とポリカーボネート製シェル
  • 省エネで交換コストが最小限に抑えられるLED照明テクノロジー
  • 用意に設置するためのブラケットおよびコネクタ
  • 他のライトの半分の電力を消費する省エネ装置でエネルギーを大幅に節約
  • 線間電圧の変動を安定化
  • 照明と表示がひとつの堅牢な照明器具にまとめられた、EZ-STATUS® 付きの2色モデル
WLB32 Series

Adjustable LED Strip Lights


  • エネルギー効率が高く、全体的にコストを節約できます。
  • 高/低/オフスイッチにより照度のカスタマイズが可能
  • 配線を最少に抑えながら照明を持続できるカスケード式モデルも選択可
  • 金属ハウジング、飛散防止ガラス。
  • スナップクリップ、マグネットブラケットまたはL字ブラケットを用いて簡単に取り付け
  • ACモデルとDCモデルをご用意
  • 長さは285 mm、570 mm、850 mm、または1130 mm
  • モーション検出モデルは、物理的なスイッチが使用できない場所やスイッチの配置が実用的でない場合に最適です。
  • 保護シールド窓付きのモデルはドーム型窓への直接的な見通し線を遮る、目にやさしい仕様
WLB32 LED workstation light
WL50-2 spotlight

WL50-2 Series

LED Work Light and Optional Flex Arm Mount


  • エンクロージャ照明またはエリア照明向けの設計で、オプションのフレックスアームマウントを使用することで調整可能な産業タスク照明を実現
  • 標準モデルと押しボタンモデルを選択可
  • フラットマウントモデルと30 mmベースマウントモデルを選択可
  • IP69K (標準モデル) またはIP67 (押しボタンモデル) 等級に対応した、頑丈な密閉式ポリカーボネート製ハウジング
  • 電源電圧DC12~30V
  • ケーブル引き出しタイプとQDコネクタタイプを用意
  • 3ワット未満の低消費電力
More Enclosure Lighting Solutions
